Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Healthy with Gonadal body shape.

According to Good Machine magazine, 50% of all women in the world have Gonadal shape. Its features are, has a medium-size breasts, weight easy ride, and excess fat are "distributed" to the buttocks or outer thigh. Diet that matches your body shape like this :
  1. Food consumed regularly, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, fish, chicken, beef, turkey, eggs (only at night), and knew (only at night).
  2. Foods that should be avoided, spicy foods, food creany, and red meat.
  3. Exercise, concentrate on aerobic exercise, martial arts, and upper body strength. For stretching exercises, yoga or pilates is the best solution.

Sehat dengan bentuk tubuh Gonadal.

Menurut majalah Good Machine, 50% dari seluruh wanita di dunia mempunyai bentuk tubuh Gonadal. Ciri-cirinya yaitu, memiliki payudara ukuran sedang, berat badan mudah naik, dan kelebihan lemak biasanya “tersalur” ke bokong atau paha luar. Diet yang cocok dengan bentuk tubuh seperti ini, yaitu :
  1. Makanan yang dikonsumsi secara rutin, buah dan sayuran, produk susu rendah lemak, ikan, ayam, daging, kalkun, telur (hanya pada malam hari), dan tahu (hanya pada malam hari).
  2. Makanan yang sebaiknya harus dihindari, makanan pedas, makanan creany, dan daging merah.
  3. Latihan, berkonsentrasilah pada latihan aerobic, beladiri, dan kekuatan tubuh bagian atas. Untuk latihan stretching, yoga atau pilates adalah solusi terbaik.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Black Masks

Rice 1 liter
15 lime fruits (sliced is)
Enough water

How to make:
1. Toast the rice until black and charred
2. Place lime juice in a container that has been sliced, and add 1 cup water
3. Enter the rice which had been roasted earlier in the container that contains lime.
4. Mix well. Cool and ready for use.

This mask can also be used as an herbal treatment or a substitute for soap when bathing. Efficacious whitening and refine skin. Use every day, then your skin will be bright and fresh.

Source: Hadijah Latief (ma mom,, heheh)

hopefully useful,,,